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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Trials Bring Forth Blessings!

This week has been wonderful and has lead me to ask a lot of questions. But all of those questions has lead me to receive revelation as to why God lets things happen. And also to try to differentiate between a loving Father in Heaven who allows trials to come upon us and a God full of Mercy who wants us to learn by giving us the opportunities to grow through struggles. I know that both ring true in some instances. This last week was a week full of trials; personally trying to dig deep into myself  and find out different ways that I can look outward so that I can more fully serve those around me and also trails that affect our group such as sickness, and even death.

I have found myself a lot asking the question, WHY? We have been called to do such a work. Why would be be presented with trials that would make it difficult for us to perform our calling? I have come to the conclusion that not only does Heavenly Father need servants who have been called, but servants who are willing to change and be used to accomplish a specific purpose. I have come to think about why Joseph Smith and even more so, Emma, went through so much trial. It was to give them experience so that they could press forth with faith.

Whenever we experience trial and opposition, we have the choice to make the best of it, or to make it a negative experience. As we choose to be righteous in our actions the Lord pours his richest blessings upon us.  This week we were challenged by a priesthood leader to "prove in all things." My testimony is strengthened everyday when I see that I have influence for wondrous things when I am perfectly in tune with the Spirit. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is so true. I know that I have a God and Creator above who loves me. I know it with my whole HEART! Oh how great this calling! 

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