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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Nauvoo comes Alive!!!

Surrounded by a huge field of wheat, with the wind gently blowing back and forth, it is easy to feel the Love of God. As I stood out a little ways off Parley street. the setting was perfect. The clouds were absolutely perfection and it was as if God himself painted a picture in the sky for us. The sunset was in a perfect array of orange, pink and yellow, with a faded blue atmosphere to top it all off. 

It was so poignant to me as I stood in that field of wheat that although I am not perfect, as long as I do the BEST that I can and Love much, I have a loving Heavenly Father who will make up the difference. I am so touched at how forgiving and merciful God is. His timing is perfect and his miracles many. Many more than the human brain could possibly even imagine. He guides us as we trust in Him and have faith that all will work out for the better. My testimony is constantly strengthened as I see His hand in my life EVERY DAY!   

This week while I was talking to a senior missionary and he mentioned that he was from Genola. This is a small little city where my dad grew up as a boy. Come to find out, they were neighbors. It was such a wonderful coincidence. He told me of stories about my grandparents and more specifically about my grandfather. Turns out that my grandpa and this senior missionary's father were in a barbershop quartet together. I was told stories about how my grandfather would sing so beautifully and so in tune. They said that when he would sing he would sing with his eyes closed so he could hear the tightness of the harmonies. Today in church, we as Young Performing Missionaries sang a song for a special musical number. I prayed that Grandpa Davis would be there singing along side of me. As I sang, not only could I feel his spirit, but it was almost as if I could hear his voice. After the meeting, I was talking to the senior missionary again. He said that my grandpa would be very proud. I told him that I prayed him there to sing with us. The senior Elder said that he could picture him up there singing right along with his eyes closed and everything. I love that picture so much. I love my family and I learn a great lesson from my grandfather. We always need to listen and try to hear the voices of others so that we are more in tune. And in life, it always helps if we listen to the Holy Ghost. Then we will always be in tune.

The Nauvoo Pageant got here this last week. I am so excited to dance in Pageant. What a wonderful and marvelous opportunity to bear pure testimony on stage as I dance my lil' heart out. Pure joy was that of the saints of old. Their Love for Nauvoo is present just by the spirit that one feels here. It will be miraculous to witness the miracles that are bound to happen as this production of testimony comes together!

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