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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Everyone Can Be A Member

It is amazing how non members can hide the fact that they are not members from people. On the other hand they are not hiding but usually just look like they would be perfect members and it rarely crosses my mind that they are not members until I hear their responses to questions. I feel that just boosts my spirits to know that non members do come to our shows, and that I can see everyone as being a member. That just increases my desire to help the individuals that are not members come to see the beauty of the restored gospel. I really enjoy moments when I know that there is a non member in the audience because I feel so excited and hopeful for them that they will find what they are looking for, or at least have a seed of the spirit planted in their hearts.

1 comment:

  1. As all of you preper to serve full time missions, always remember that ist not what you see on the out side, its what that person could become if he had the gosple in his life. A mission is an experience that is beyound any earthly experience as I am sure you guys have felt. dont let a day go by without doing better. this life and espically our missions are too short. it really flows by like a good dream that never lasts as long as we want. charish it while you can. I am a missionary in brazil and serving a mission is the best thing that you can do, for yourself and others.
    Philip and everyone else serve with all your heart Mind and Strength.
    Elder J. Scott
