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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Work Rolls On!

The spirit of Nauvoo is always the same and always wonderful. I absolutely love how I am constantly inspired to do better and to be better than I am.  I have experience after experience where I am humbled and taught that I can do better, be more patient with myself and others, seek the Lord more through prayers, and as Elder Camp says "step into the darkness" through faith trusting that the Lord will bless and guide.

One experience that I had with this was before pageant Friday night where I ran into a great friend from home, Elder Aiden Curtis.  I had known that he was assigned to the pageant, but didn't know when I would find him.  I was keeping an eye out for him, but felt guilty looking for him specifically because I am supposed to be focusing on missionary work because the time before pageant is intended for us to try and find referrals from the guests.  So as I was walking around I was suddenly nearly tackled to the ground by Elder Curtis who had seen me first and we had a joyful reunion.  It was so good to see him.  After that though it was back to work!  I had a goal to at least get one referral that day, so I went up to Sister Hall, one of the Nauvoo Young Sister Missionaries and told her I trusted her inspiration and asked who I should go talk to for a referral.  She pointed to a group of girls and my immediate reaction was one of hesitancy, but I pushed those thoughts aside, got Elder Leavitt and walked up to say hello and talk to them.  We got into a conversation with them about a mission activity their stake had done where they basically turned their youth into a mini mission for a weekend, assigning everyone companions and they set up appointments with their non-member friends to teach them lessons from preach my gospel.  This provided a perfect opportunity for some of them to fill out referral cards for those friends they had worked with in that activity.  So moral of the story, guided by the spirit, through simple means and then opening my mouth in a friendly conversation about sharing the gospel I was able to invite two from that group of girls to have the gospel shared with their friends and bore testimony to them that our work is a work of Love,  Christ's love. (Side note:  Another thing I learned while bearing my testimony a few weeks back was that Charity, the pure love of Christ has 3 parts- Love from Christ, Love for Christ, and Love like Christ.  Just thought I would share that because it fit right in with the conversation I was able to have with a few of the other guests from pageant.) 

The work rolls on in beautiful Nauvoo!  I'm so blessed to be here and be a part of it.

Loving Unconditonally

 As you probably well know, the YPMs here in Nauvoo have the opportunity to meet a lot of people. The people that come to Nauvoo all have their different reasons why they came and are all very unique. I have enjoyed being able to see and talk to random visitors learning why they came to Nauvoo, what they are looking for, or just getting to know them. 
     It seem like every person that I see here in Nauvoo I love. It makes me think about what the Savior must have been like, even though I still have a lot to work on. He loved everyone more than we can possibly imagine. Jesus loved even the people that hated Him and hurt Him he enough to still teach, heal, and even die for them even if they did not understand what He was doing or why He was doing it.
     Nauvoo is probably one of the best places to just feel love from everyone around you. It is sad that the rest of the world is slowly becoming more selfish, and unloving. We should strive, especially as members of the church, to turn this trend around. Conflicts between people are like a paper cut, if you take care of the wound and clean in than it will still be there for a little bit until time heals it, but if you don't fix it then more dirt and grime will get into the cut making it worse increasing the pain and time that it will take to heal once you decide to clean it. If there is a problem between you and someone fix it now, don't let it fester and grow worse.

Know that I love you, whoever you are that reads this.