Freshman Year at BYU, I thought of it again and looked into
auditioning. I was scared by the competition and decided not to try. Sophomore
year was the same story.
In January 2012, I began thinking seriously of having my
under-bite fixed by surgery. Braces were put on my teeth and surgery scheduled
for April. In about March, I learned that the surgeon thought April was too
soon and I could have surgery in May or in the fall, which would interrupt my
junior year at BYU. One night, I knelt in prayer pleading with the Lord to know
if May was right and whether I should have the surgery at all.
I wanted to be
in choir again-would my voice experience problems? What about complications to
my face? As I prayed, I felt a great calm and peace settle in my heart and mind
with such a unified force I could not deny my answer. I went ahead and had
surgery in May and then spent the summer recovering in Manila, Philippines
where my parents are currently living.
At the conclusion of the summer, I was planning for fall
semester and pondering my desires to serve the Lord. I was about to turn 21 in
September and I was praying about a full time mission. I received a father's
blessing and the impressions I received during it were to call my voice teacher
and start lessons again and prepare for the Nauvoo mission auditions. These
impressions startled me because I assumed I would never serve in Nauvoo, that
it was only a dream I could wish for in years to come. However, when I returned
to the U.S., I started voice lessons and immediately began researching audition
requirements for Nauvoo.
In October, I had practiced a few times a week but had not
seriously been preparing for the audition video. I distinctly remember, while I
was in my room preparing for sleep one night, thinking "Maybe it's not
worth it. Maybe I'll just audition next year, like the past two years."
Immediately following this thought, I felt an added strength and determination
with the thought, "No, this IS worth
it and I can do this. How will I know if I don't try?" I determined to
keep going and to increase my efforts to practice my audition pieces every day
and continue in praying to be led to do the Lord's will for me.

On Friday night of October 26, 2012, I was home studying for
an upcoming exam. At about 10 pm, I was bored of homework and remembered a ward
member's birthday party in the apartment below mine. I casually thought I could
stop by for a moment and then return to studying. I put on my BYU Women's
Chorus jacket and went to the party. As I picked up a slice of cake, a
blonde-haired girl with a kind smile came up and asked me, "You're in
Women's Chorus? So am I!" We chatted for a while, and eventually a boy in
my ward came up to join our conversation. I learned he was new in the ward and
his name was Jake Slater. I asked Jake, "So how did you two meet?"
They smiled at each other and Eden Brown said, "Well, we actually served
in Nauvoo as performing missionaries this past summer...." No way. Excited
to meet these two experienced YPMs, I told them I was considering auditioning. Happy
by this exchange, they both told me of a fireside that Sunday in Salt Lake for
prospective performing missionaries. Jake promised to send me the information
via facebook. When I returned to my apartment, I prayed in gratitude for this
tender mercy.
That Sunday, my best friend in Women's Chorus joined me in
driving up to Salt Lake an hour before the fireside at 7pm. While in the car, I
felt anxious and felt the need to pray. Nauvoo is a mission and I wanted to go
in the name of the Lord with His Spirit, especially with the Spirit to discern
if this is His will for me. I interrupted our conversation and asked if I could
pray aloud while driving. My friend agreed. After the prayer, I felt a great
peace in my heart that settled in my car. We were silent for a moment and we both
felt the spirit enter our hearts. It was a neat experience! The fireside was
wonderful and it was a great blessing to meet people and learn about Nauvoo.
After that experience, I continued to practice daily. I went
to a second fireside given in the Harris Fine Arts Center at BYU by the Camps.
I was grateful to have gone to both firesides, as I learned tremendously from
both experiences.
Thanksgiving quickly approached and I planned to film my DVD
over Thanksgiving weekend. The weekend before Thanksgiving I realized I needed
to film then because the people I needed to help me create the DVD would be on
vacation and unavailable. I found a student teacher of clogging to help me film
my clogging routine and the Lord blessed me to find what I needed-a video
camera and help filming. I thought of my cousin who knows how to create DVDs
and I asked for his help. He was very busy, but the Wednesday before
Thanksgiving he offered his help and while I was working with him, his other
obligations that day were cancelled, one by one. Because of that, he was able
and willing to give me hours of his time to finalize my DVD.
When I finally sent my DVD for the November 30th deadline, I
prayed over it and reviewed the past few months. Learning I was called back was
so exciting and evidence to me that I knew the Lord had been leading me along.
The call-backs were an incredible experience and I felt so joyful and
explicitly happy by the end of the day. I can't deny that I felt a push and a
need to prepare an audition DVD. I felt like the tender mercies extended me
were so clear and I feel very blessed and led along.
I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve in Nauvoo! I
know that the Lord knows our righteous desires and leads us to where He wants
us to be. I am so grateful!
Great experiences very powerful. Do good work there in Nauvoo.