So, I decided to send in a tape. Now, I’m a HUGE
procrastinator. I kept saying, “I’ll put it together this weekend.” And then
when the weekend came I said, “next weekend, I’ll do it then.” I was depending
on other people for help in putting the video together, and things kept falling
through. I became a bit discouraged, and
thought that maybe I wasn’t meant to go because nothing was coming together. However, that was not the case. The week
before the video was due, everything fell into place. There was finally a time that worked out when
everyone who I asked to help—an accompanist and a friend to hit the “record”
button—could meet.

The taping of everything else went smoothly as well. I almost forgot to include my scales, but the thought suddenly struck me, “Aren’t you missing something? Something having to do with your range?” I believe it was a nudge from the Spirit. Simple little things came together though the Lord’s hand, the video was quickly assembled—scales included—and sent off to HQ.
Throughout the whole experience, I kept the attitude, “If
I’m meant to go, I’ll go.” It was a blessing to have that knowledge, and my
faith kept me strong through the process.
The thought of serving in Nauvoo brings a smile to my face and makes my
heart swell with joy. I can’t wait!
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