We are twenty-four of the young missionaries that have been called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ through song and dance in Nauvoo, Illinois, a sacred temporary home for the early converts to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This is our story, of the miracles and lessons we have experienced while living where our pioneer ancestors did not so long ago.
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Monday, July 22, 2013
The Ballroom
From the story of:
Elder Davis
An Invitation To The Truth
From the story of:
Elder DeWaal
Things just keep going like they always do here in Nauvoo, the Young Performing missionaries perform morning til night and love every minute of it. I actually had a really neat experience when I was in town on Thursday. My companion wanted to try shopping at a different store than we normally do so we went there and while we were there started talking to a man working in the produce section and had a great conversation about truth and he said something really profound about how each person in the world deserves the chance to first hear truth and then decide for themselves if they will accept it or not. That is an amazing thing to hear from someone when you are a missionary because its a great segue into a gospel conversation. We took the chance and I actually ended up being able to give the man a book of Mormon and we got his contact information to give to the missionaries in Keokuk so they can teach him. It was an amazing testimony of how the Lord puts us into people's paths to share the gospel with them and extend an invitation to the truth. I've had so many similar experiences with the Lord either placing me or placing others so we cross paths this summer and it has been such a blessing to be able to talk and I know I have grown and been uplifted so many times just when I need it according to the Lord's perfect timing and His tender mercies. Yes, I know Heavenly Father loves me!
Well we're sadly winding down on our time here we've only got 3 weeks left before we have finished our calls and have to say good-bye to the city of Joseph, but its been an amazing summer and I'm sure there is still much good left to come.
Yay for Nauvoo!
From the story of:
Sister Welch
I want to share something I have written down in my journal. Sadly, I didn't think of it, and unfortunately I can't remember where I heard it... or who said it.... But it goes like this:
"If it weren't for God, we wouldn't be here. If it weren't for Jesus Christ, it wouldn't matter. If it weren't for Joseph Smith, we wouldn't know."
Cool, right? And so true! With God, we have a purpose, to learn and become more like Him and to one day live with Him. Because Christ atoned for our sins, we can repent and continue to move towards that goal. Because of Joseph Smith, we have the restored gospel and all of the blessings that go with it, including the knowledge of the plan of salvation and that families can be together forever. What a glorious plan our Father has made for us! I'm so grateful that I was raised in the gospel so I could know it, live it, love it, and share it! Hurrah for Israel and yay for Nauvoo! I feel like I learn so much about the gospel and my Savior as I learn about the Saints and Brother Joseph... I tell their stories, I walk where they walked... and they walked with the Savior. It all fits together, hand in hand. There are no such things as coincidences. I love it!
Sometmes We Laugh
From the story of:
Elder Partridge
I am always so amused by the way the culture of a group changes over time...especially when they spend as much time together as our group does. Just in case you will be interacting with any of us after this mission, you may want to know the explanation behind some of the things that have just become common among the stage/tech YPMs:
- When we are about to do something epic and need good motivation, we shout "For Alex!!!" (...None of us actually met Alex, but he is one of Sister Klingler's friends.)
- When we have done something really stupid or crazy, we may turn to you with wild eyes and ask "Am I NUTS?" (Sister Allen got us all started on that one...she's pretty nuts.)
- Phragming is one of the most insulting things you can do to a person (but we do it all the time to each other). 'Phragm' is short for diaphragm. It means to hit someone with your diaphragm. Believe me, after all the singing we've done, my phragm packs a pretty powerful punch. (Really no back-story to that except that Elder Striplin and I are dorks.)
- There is a general slew of phrases that any of us will say on a moment's notice that is a line from a show...when we hear the cue line, we just feel empty if we don't say what's next!
- When you go for a high five, you may suddenly find yourself in a handshake. (Because high-fives are WAY too familiar.)
- You will always find a counterargument if you say that something is the worst. It is not the worst, because animal crackers are the worst. End of discussion. (The sisters just won't let Elder Striplin live his accent down.)
- If you try to get us to do something we don't want to do, we will give a high-pitched squealing "Make me!!" (Modeled after the rebellious Sister Jorgensen.)
- Whenever it's time to go, we will yell "Time to go, time to go, woo-woo-woo-woo, time to go, time to go!" (I started doing that so everyone would hear me, and it just caught on.)
- If you tell a cheesy joke, we will bring our hand up like a sock puppet, and have it give you a roaring pity laugh. (Every day we do a puppet show where the puppets tell ridiculously corny jokes.)
- If you make a reference to any kind of bag, satchel, purse, etc., we'll probably give you a really deep-voiced "they're bags!" (A line from the show, modeled after Elder Black.)
- Whenever we or someone near us is confused, we will probably ask, "Am I here?" (Once upon a time, Elder Collier forgot his words during a solo love song...and replaced about ten words with a long "Am I here?" Probably the single-most funny thing that has happened on stage to date.)
- When we are very proud of ourselves, we put our hands in our armpits and smile. (A Sister Elbert mannerism.)
- When we are appalled, we will shout out "Well I neverrrrr!" (A line from a show, modeled after Sister Elbert.)
- When we want to sound refined, we talk like the pharaoh from Night at the Museum 2.
....Now I need to say something inspiring before I end.... I know that when we all work together in harmony we will all start become the same ridiculous person? ...Eh, maybe not. But I do know that where the Spirit is, there will laughter be also. I believe that God is a God of laughter; beautiful, wondrous, joyous, wholesome laughter. I am grateful for that.
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