If you would like to see some photos of the Nauvoo YPM's in action, follow this link!
We are twenty-four of the young missionaries that have been called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ through song and dance in Nauvoo, Illinois, a sacred temporary home for the early converts to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This is our story, of the miracles and lessons we have experienced while living where our pioneer ancestors did not so long ago.
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Tuesday, May 21, 2013
From the story of:
Elder Davis
In the Book of Mosiah we read;
And he commanded them that there should be no contention one with another, but that they should look forward with one eye, having one faith and one baptism, having their hearts knit together in unity and in love one towards another.
As the saints of old built Zion, that is our goal as well. The more that we look outward, the easier it will be to see those who need our help and to help those whom the Lord needs to be attended by earthly angels. Zion is build upon obedience and charity. This last week here in Nauvoo has been wonderful. Rehearsals still commence until Friday when we finally open all of our shows!!! YEA! I know that blessing will flow upon us as we strive to be a Zion community.
This next week will be full of wonder experiences. Some of my favorite things from this last week include: "Is that a thing?" - Bro. Davies, Drivers ed training, Mark Lusvardi, Puppets, Spiral Staircases in the temple, Clogging in front of the cultural hall, Walks to the Mississippi river
All In The Family
From the story of:
Elder Partridge
So, funny story... Elder Nelson and I have kind of developed this goofball relationship which I love, but sometimes in our goofiness, we do really dumb things. We were practicing for the beginning of our show called "Just Plain Anna Amanda," which is for the little children that come to Nauvoo with their parents. They just love it!!! Anyway, during part of the opening act, everyone gets up and sings "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes." Because we were just watching as the audience at the time, we participated. We do it three times, each time faster than the next. I decided that, rather than touch my own head, shoulders, knees, and toes, I would touch Elder Nelson's. He was confused for a second, but then caught on and started doing the same on me. It looked ridiculous. It was working great the first two times (although, trying to do the eyes, ears, mouth, and nose is both confusing and dangerous), but the third one -- the lightning fast version -- we got to "Head, Shoulders, Kn...." at which point we bashed heads and fell to the floor in a heap. We were both laughing so hard. I had a goose egg for the rest of the day.
There is a scripture in Mosiah that teaches that in order for a people to preach the word of God, there must be no contention among the people, that they might see with one and one faith, that their hearts might be knit together as one... and then they may preach... and then they may be children of God. I was thinking about what it meant to "become a child of God," seeing as we already are His children. Then I remembered that today, after we had practiced "Sunset By the Mississippi," I was stopped by an Elder and Sister Harding, who wanted to know if I was a Partridge. When I affirmed their suspicions, they told me how during the entire rehearsal, they just kept looking at me and thinking "That HAS to be a Partridge!" because I look so much like my dad and grandpa. Turns out, Elder Harding was my dad's bishop when he was young!
I think "becoming a child of God" means being immediately recognizable as one. If, with righteous desires, we have our heart knit together as one, we will look like Him. We will give off His same glow, and we will be undeniably recognizable as children of God by any and all who see us. I believe this is the way we bear our testimonies as young performing missionaries. Everyone's eyes will be looking upon us... it must be absolutely clear that they see proof of a Heavenly Father when they do.
How Amazing to Be a "Tuning Fork" Here in Nauvoo!
From the story of:
Elder Scott

Forget Yourself and Go To Work
From the story of:
Elder DeWaal
Time just keeps on flying by here in the Beautiful Nauvoo!
We've learned all of our choreography, all our blocking and lines, and all our music for our five shows, with the exception of our Trail of Hope vignettes which we'll finish up tonight. I'm constantly amazed by all the blessings we receive. This past week I was having difficulty with a few of the parts that I just hadn't quite gotten right off and took some more work than the rest and it was kind of frustrating me but the Lord won't let anything keep us down here because every time I started to feel down I would pray and something would happen or one of the other YPMs would share a story or say just the right thing to pick me up again. As for the difficult spots I fasted yesterday morning, which was really hard especially because we were dancing and so I felt really tired, but somehow (you can probably guess how) I was able to pull up the energy to make it through and after I closed my fast and had dinner, I came back and nailed all the parts that had been problems for me. It was my own little Nauvoo miracle. I came out of that rehearsal with so much joy in my heart knowing that my prayers had been answered and with a stronger testimony of fasting even when its difficult and would be easier to just grab a snack to satiate my stomach and muscles. I couldn't stop smiling as we sang invocation and had family prayer.
The people I serve with here are truely phenominal people and they all inspire me and teach me so much about how I can be better in lots of ways. I'm so grateful for the blessings that come from being around people so spiritually in tune. One of the times I was upset with myself and really getting down this week I was sitting on the couch at our house and Elder Anderson came in and asked if I could come with him for a second. I walked into their room and there was a chair in the middle of the room and I was so touched because I thought he was going to offer me a blessing, instead he did something that humbled me even more and really brought the spirit into my heart. He asked if I would give him a blessing. This reminded me that the work I'm doing out here isn't about me or my struggles, its about working together and doing all we can to help each other forgetting ourselves.
Miracles and angels are all around. I love it here so much!
Making Every Second Count
From the story of:
Elder DeWaal
WOW!!!!! I can't believe how busy we've been and how much we've gotten done already! Its been incredible and I have no doubt whatsoever that we've been strengthened by the Lord through the enabling power of the Atonement and the divine power that comes with being set apart as missionary servants of the Lord Jesus Christ and bearing his name. We've already, in one week, finished blocking our two largest shows, mostly memorized all the music for all of our shows, learned choreography for 3 dances and it has been amazing! I am constantly amazed by how powerful a small humble prayer has been making for me each time I have a small particular part that I'm struggling with, I pray for strength or for humility and patience to wait on the Lord's time and the help ALWAYS comes. That cannot possibly be coincidence.
On top of all of that... I'm in NAUVOO!! I never imagined how powerful the spirit would be. I had my guesses, but I was way off. People talk about times when the spirit is just tangible... well here thats the norm. When you have an extra spiritual experience everyone is on the verge of tears and completely overcome, and we've had a fair share of those already just in some of the rehearsals where we work through our really powerful numbers and the spirit comes crashing like a tidal wave washing over us and filling our hearts beyond capacity. It is amazing and beautiful. I love this city and love the program here and absolutely LOVE being a Missionary.
Now I can't go on without sharing one mildly embarrassing story... so here goes. On our second day here, last Saturday, we had opportunity to go on a wagon tour around Nauvoo. The narrator for our tour was a senior missionary sister from Hawaii. After the ride I went to thank her and overheard my companion say something along the lines of "so its mahalo?" I double checked with him to make sure I had hear correctly and asked "mahalo or mahala?" he confirmed that I heard correctly it was mahalo. So I said to the sister "Thank you Sister Mahalo" she looked really confused and my companion just started laughing... apparently mahalo means thank you or good-bye and he had been asking how to say it in Hawaiian when I walked up. So I called her Sister Thank-you and looked very silly.
All in all I couldn't be in a better place right now. I know this is where the Lord wants me to be and I'm loving every second of it. One of our mottos is "Make every second count" and Elder and Sister Wortley gave each of us a medallion that we can wear to remind us. Every second has changed me in some way for the better and I can already tell that this summer is going to go bye way too quickly. But, I guess thats just all the more reason to make it count while it lasts.
The Little Things
From the story of:
Elder Partridge
Though we have only been in Nauvoo for one week, I would testify that we as missionaries have spent much more time here. I know that, as we have pleaded for this blessing, the Lord has lengthened our days that we might accomplish all the work that He has laid before us.
The missionaries here are so exceptional. And I love how the Spirit uses all of us together like a perfectly fashioned Swiss Watch to bless one another as we seek to bless those who come to Nauvoo. Just two days ago, I was laying on my bed, writing in my journal about an incredible sacred experience I'd had that is to personal to share here. Directly after I had finished, I wrote the following:
"Thinking about it now, I really feel like I should tell Elder Leavitt about my experience, tonight before he goes to bed. I don't know why...I still hardly know him.
"But for some reason, I feel like I should just wait here instead. I...."
That's as far as I got before Elder Leavitt walked into the bedroom (which is not his bedroom) and just laid on one of the beds. Stunned at such a fast "coincidence," I started talking to him. I then shared the experience I had just written that I'd felt so strongly to share with him. Our conversation was so meaningful and powerful... and he told me that, for certain reasons, what I had shared was very personal and thought-provoking for him, and he knew that it was something orchestrated by God. Just two minutes later, before he left, he said something to me that was a profound answer to a prayer I had been praying even since before I came to Nauvoo. I didn't tell him that...but I was shocked once again that right after I had opened up to him, right out of his mouth came the word of God to me that I had been seeking.
I know that God is in the very small details of our lives. He loves us. And He has a whole host of angels at His command to do His bidding on our behalf. We are never alone.
I love spending every waking moment working for and testifying of our Savior, Jesus Christ. There's nothing better on this earth than that.
Finally Home
From the story of:
Elder Davis
I am sure most people have experienced going on an extended vacation or a long family trip and walking in the front door of your house when you get back. It just feels good to be home. I had a very similar experience coming back to Nauvoo. IT just feels like home. The spirit that surrounds and abides in this wonderful city is that feeling of peace and that feeling of home. I love Nauvoo.
The temperature in regards to the weather has been extremely wonderful. It is cool. Elder Striplin (from Australia) thinks that is too cold. But I keep on telling him that he needs to remember this coolness so when it is 115 degrees with the heat index, he can remember the "cold" and feel better about the sweat dripping off his face :P
I am so excited to serve with such wonderful people who are willing to consecrate this time in their lives to serve our Heavenly Father. I know that the angels will attend us as we continue to seek the Hand of the Lord in ALL we do.
Things I love About Nauvoo: Wilmore formation, Elder Davies Choreography, Mississippi mud in 50 degree weather, hand hugs
The Warmth of His Love
From the story of:
Elder Thunell
The very moment I felt hands placed lightly upon my head
earlier this evening, every feeling and memory of two very special days came
rushing into full focus.
As a 19-year-old young man in February of 2010, I sat with
my parents and my siblings in the front room of our home, listening to a
profound message prepared for us by our humble stake president. On that evening, I was set apart as a
missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I cannot think of another time in my life
when I felt more excitement than I did on that occasion. It had been my desire to serve a mission ever
since I was old enough to know what a mission was. My eyes welled with tears as my wonderful priesthood
leader placed his hands on my head to pronounce a blessing and a setting apart
that would forever change my life. I eagerly
looked forward to every moment and experience through which I would pass as an
ambassador of the Lord, and solemnly promised to devote myself in every
capacity to His work. On that evening, I
felt the presence of my Savior very near to me, and found myself encompassed in
the warmth of His love.
Two years later, I sat in the office of that incredible stake
president as my mission came to a close.
I have never felt more humbly grateful than I did as I looked around the
room to meet the eyes of each of my family members present. I wept openly as President Cook placed his
hands on my head to release me as a missionary.
In that instant, I longingly reflected over 24 months through which I
had had the wondrous blessing of testifying daily of a Savior and Redeemer, of
a loving Heavenly Father, and of his plan for each and every one of his
children. On that day, I knew that my Redeemer
was smiling down on me for my small sacrifice to build His kingdom, and found
myself comforted in the warmth of His love.

I am a missionary once again! In this moment, nothing could bring me more
“Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of
God. I have been called of him to
declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.”
Nephi 5:13
Off to Nauvoo I go...
From the story of:
Sister Smith
My heart is full. I am so full of emotions my heart could
possibly explode. I have been blessed
with such a wonderful and unique opportunity to serve in Nauvoo Illinois this
summer. I am happy, nervous, excited,
and also a bit torn to be leaving all of my family and loved ones. I can't believe it is actually FINALLY
happening for me. I have waited for
almost a year and a half for this moment. Receiving this call last year and then having
it taken away from me for medical reasons was so disheartening and difficult. But now, it is here. When I was set apart tonight, my bishop
reassured me in the blessing that I would come to a clear understanding as to
why I was called to be out in Nauvoo this summer and not last. I know the Lord has a plan and I know that He
knows each of us individually. His role
in our lives is so monumental and influential, if we will only look to Him for
guidance and love. I know each one of
the YPM's will come to know and love each other. We will gain a bond that will never be broken.
I am so excited to have this experience with them and to gain a further
knowledge of the truthfulness of this gospel together, and of the power of
Nauvoo. So much is in store for me, and
for all of us. I cannot wait to grow,
and strengthen my testimony, and change. God has a plan, and right now for me, my plan
is Nauvoo.
This church is SO true!
Let the adventures begin.
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