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Sunday, June 30, 2013

To Be or Not To Be

One of the lines we use in one of our skits during Sunset on the Mississippi is a modified quote from Shakespeare "Is he to be... or not to be?" I've pondered this statement multiple times in my life and each time something new comes up it grants greater light on my questioning.  There is a process in all things, a divine order, and there are two that I connect with this statement.  The first comes from a statement by Elder Richard G. Scott of the quorum of the twelve apostles where he says that the things we consistently think determine what we do, and the things we consistently do determine what we become.  The other is a well discussed simple sequence of Good, Better, and Best.  To tie those two together, if we think about good things, then do good things, we'll become good.  That is a wonderful start (and don't be overwhelmed because this start still takes a lot of work to achieve) We then can begin thinking better things, doing better, and becoming better and so on and so forth until we are the best. This is a principle that is true in day to day life, be it playing soccer, a musical instrument, an art form, an occupation, or any hobby really.  It can also be applied to spiritual things such as our prayers, our character, our desires, our commitments to God and to the gospel. So where does my initial question come in to all this becoming?  Well it all boils down to this- you decide what it is you want to be.  I decide if I'm going to become the worlds best ____ (insert anything here). It begins with a decision, a thought and there the seeds of being are planted.  As you act on those seed-thoughts they develop and grow into habits and eventually they are simply a part of your being and you find fulfillment of the initial faith you had in acting on that first thought, that basic desire.  So ask yourself, what do I wish I could be? What do I want to be? Then start doing the things that the person you want to be would do, make habits of them until one day you wake up and realize that for the past while you've been doing them without thought, you realize that you are.  This is a miraculous process and God wants you to accomplish great things using this pattern, He will help you with it as well!  Include in Him in every stage and He will help you, He won't do it for you because you don't change anything without work, but He will help with support, ideas, motivation and teaching.  So use the gospel fundamentals of prayer, scripture study, and obedience to receive that help in becoming who you want to be.  You'll be glad you did.

I can't believe we're on the downward slope of time until the end of our Nauvoo experience.There have been so many experiences that remind me every day to cherish every minute, every second here because change is constant, we have to be so flexible, but I know thats the Lord preparing us to be better tools for Him ready to work in every situation.

Everyone Can Be A Member

It is amazing how non members can hide the fact that they are not members from people. On the other hand they are not hiding but usually just look like they would be perfect members and it rarely crosses my mind that they are not members until I hear their responses to questions. I feel that just boosts my spirits to know that non members do come to our shows, and that I can see everyone as being a member. That just increases my desire to help the individuals that are not members come to see the beauty of the restored gospel. I really enjoy moments when I know that there is a non member in the audience because I feel so excited and hopeful for them that they will find what they are looking for, or at least have a seed of the spirit planted in their hearts.

You Are My Sunshine

I feel somewhat left out that I didn't receive any emails this week, but it makes sense because my family is here with me. And how blessed that is! But because I have the time, I will tell you all that has happened in the past while. Our dear Sister Allen is being sent home. After many prayers and blessings and discussions, our directors and the mission president feel that it is best for Sister Allen to receive the medical attention she needs, at home. I've gotten to know Sister Allen quite well- we share a room and is my counterpart in all the shows. I don't think the reality of her leaving has settled in yet, which terrifies me because some of us (myself included) were a total mess when she announced it just 2 hours ago. We had a moment of hugging and crying and then we all gathered on the stage in a circle and sang 'Invocation'. Sister Allen had one request- that we sing 'You Are My Sunshine'. We have a fun rendition we sing in Nauvoo Singers, and it is kind of a running joke because at least our cast sings it at least 5 times every day. It's our go-to song. How beautiful it was to sing to each other the words that now carry so much meaning for our group:

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you,
Please don't take my sunshine away

You're my ever-lovin' sunshine, you're the one for me!
You make me happy oh so happy when skies are gray and by the way
You'll never know how much I love you, how much I love you everyday,
please don't take my sunshine away

Sister Allen requested that we have a testimony meeting. It was wonderful to hear the beautiful and strong testimonies of everyone in this group. We are so strong in the faith. We know that Heavenly Father lives and loves us. I know that faith brings us peace and comfort. I know that as we have faith in the Lords timing and plan for us, we will be able to do whatever he asks of us, even when we are weak. I know that we are here for a purpose, and I am so grateful Sister Allen was to be with us for a short time. We have learned so much from her. Most importantly, how to be selfless.
As our group loses a beloved friend, our sunshine, and our source of laughter, we face an unknown future. The schedule is only about to become harder with pageant here. New parts are to be learned, and dances are to be re-choreographed. But if there's one thing I've learned about this special group of YPMs is that we have the ability to accept change wholeheartedly. A moment is never spent complaining about our circumstances, whatever they may be. When we unite ourselves with each other and with the Lord, we are steadfast, immovable, and fine tuned instruments in the Lords hands. I am not afraid, because this is the Lords work. And He is in charge. And His timing and plan for us is perfect.

We'll find the place, which God for us prepared
far away, in the West.
Where none shall come, to hurt or make afraid,
there the Saints will be blessed.
But if our lives are spared again, 
to see the Saints, our rest obtain,
oh how we'll make this chorus swell,
All is well! All is well!

Nauvoo comes Alive!!!

Surrounded by a huge field of wheat, with the wind gently blowing back and forth, it is easy to feel the Love of God. As I stood out a little ways off Parley street. the setting was perfect. The clouds were absolutely perfection and it was as if God himself painted a picture in the sky for us. The sunset was in a perfect array of orange, pink and yellow, with a faded blue atmosphere to top it all off. 

It was so poignant to me as I stood in that field of wheat that although I am not perfect, as long as I do the BEST that I can and Love much, I have a loving Heavenly Father who will make up the difference. I am so touched at how forgiving and merciful God is. His timing is perfect and his miracles many. Many more than the human brain could possibly even imagine. He guides us as we trust in Him and have faith that all will work out for the better. My testimony is constantly strengthened as I see His hand in my life EVERY DAY!   

This week while I was talking to a senior missionary and he mentioned that he was from Genola. This is a small little city where my dad grew up as a boy. Come to find out, they were neighbors. It was such a wonderful coincidence. He told me of stories about my grandparents and more specifically about my grandfather. Turns out that my grandpa and this senior missionary's father were in a barbershop quartet together. I was told stories about how my grandfather would sing so beautifully and so in tune. They said that when he would sing he would sing with his eyes closed so he could hear the tightness of the harmonies. Today in church, we as Young Performing Missionaries sang a song for a special musical number. I prayed that Grandpa Davis would be there singing along side of me. As I sang, not only could I feel his spirit, but it was almost as if I could hear his voice. After the meeting, I was talking to the senior missionary again. He said that my grandpa would be very proud. I told him that I prayed him there to sing with us. The senior Elder said that he could picture him up there singing right along with his eyes closed and everything. I love that picture so much. I love my family and I learn a great lesson from my grandfather. We always need to listen and try to hear the voices of others so that we are more in tune. And in life, it always helps if we listen to the Holy Ghost. Then we will always be in tune.

The Nauvoo Pageant got here this last week. I am so excited to dance in Pageant. What a wonderful and marvelous opportunity to bear pure testimony on stage as I dance my lil' heart out. Pure joy was that of the saints of old. Their Love for Nauvoo is present just by the spirit that one feels here. It will be miraculous to witness the miracles that are bound to happen as this production of testimony comes together!

Things I Never Thought I'd Do In Nauvoo

- Be in a (HUGE) ward made up of nothing but missionaries and visitors.  Talk about a prime conversion spot!

- Hug a sister an elder...upwards of 4 times every day.

- Have nine people watch, entranced, as I got a haircut.  Apparently with my hair getting as big as it was, it was a pretty big deal!  We were trying to rehearse, but once the razor started, nothing else happened.  ....Weird.

- Keep on voluntarily falling down in various ways every day, despite the deep and painful bruises I've accumulated that just don't go away!

- Cry pretty much every day without fail.

- Clog in front of hundreds of people, successfully!

- Write in my journal every day (thank you, Kelby!).

- Shave my legs.  And then keep shaving them.  All summer.  (By the way, I haven't cut myself once yet!)

Wow, things just got really awkward.  Umm....see you next week!

My Savior Lives

I just wanted to write something on the blog since everyone keeps telling me I'm the only one who hasn't yet :P haha. I want to share my testimony that I know this gospel is true. My testimony is simple...and every time I think of my "testimony" all I can think of is my Savior. I know Jesus Christ lives. I know He loves me and loves every single one of God's children. I know because of Him I never have to be alone and that I can always be forgiven of my sins. He will always love me and is always reaching out to us. He understands me and knows me better then I know my own self. I know that Joseph Smith was and is a Prophet of God. He was faithful to the end. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I know that God answers prayers. I am learning how He speaks to me and learning how to be patient in His perfect timing. I know He is SO mindful of us. ...My thoughts are all over the place because I just keep thinking of so much about this gospel that I know to be true. The gospel is true. God lives. However, since I dont have enough time on the computer to really write everything I want to I will just say that I love my Savior. I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for letting me come here to Nauvoo and deeply touched He would call me to be His servant. I love the Lord. I know that if we follow His commandments and do His will that we will be the happiest we ever can possibly be. God is so good :) I love Him! And I love this work! There is truly no greater joy then helping bring people to Christ. 

51 More Days

I think I can say that one of the biggest lessons of this week has been that the Lord prepares us constantly.  He prepares us for blessings by sending us trials and then uses those blessings to prepare us for additional trials.  This week we've had a lot of people getting sick and a little under the weather, some out completely, so its been interesting to make things come together without the whole group, but they always did.  Yesterday we we blessed to have our whole group on deck for our shows which marked our half-way point for the Summer, we only have 51 more days left of Nauvoo before we have to come off this cloud we get to live on for these few months.  In light of that, Elder Camp invited us to examine ourselves individually and see how we could rise to a new level of commitment to missionary work for the last 51 days and as part of that the Tech Sisters suggested a great idea that we use our time back stage to spiritually prepare ourselves between scenes.  The show turned out phenomenal.  Elder Camp even gave us a standing ovation, which is a really big deal for him because he can count on a single hand the number of times its happened for any show, not just in Nauvoo.  It was wonderful to know that they Lord answered our prayers and gives us what we need to be able to invite the spirit and bless the guests that come. The next big blessing of the day was one of the Sisters in the band received her mission call to Mexico City and we had our traditional mission call opening extravaganza at the seventies hall which is always wonderful.  All of these blessings were definitely a preparation for the news that came next.  We found out that one of the YPM's lost their step-father in a plane accident that also left a brother with serious, though not critical injuries, that would hinder his growth for the rest of his life.  I was so impressed by the missionary though because they stood and with unmatched faith and confidence in the plan of salvation, the blessings of eternal families, and the temple, bore firm testimony of the gospel and those principles that allowed what would otherwise be a tragedy to be a moment of joy because a good man was going home to our Father in Heaven.  It was so inspired by the faith and conviction of that missionary and it really caused me to reflect on how quickly life changes and how the only way to truly be prepared is to constantly be living the best we can, focusing on the things of greatest importance.  I'm so grateful that I have this same testimony that our Savior and His church provide the knowledge and truth that families can be together forever.  I know this church is true, because of the peace and confidence that can be felt through the Holy Ghost in times of trial and testing.  I am so grateful for the blessings that Heavenly Father has in store for all of us.

Trials Bring Forth Blessings!

This week has been wonderful and has lead me to ask a lot of questions. But all of those questions has lead me to receive revelation as to why God lets things happen. And also to try to differentiate between a loving Father in Heaven who allows trials to come upon us and a God full of Mercy who wants us to learn by giving us the opportunities to grow through struggles. I know that both ring true in some instances. This last week was a week full of trials; personally trying to dig deep into myself  and find out different ways that I can look outward so that I can more fully serve those around me and also trails that affect our group such as sickness, and even death.

I have found myself a lot asking the question, WHY? We have been called to do such a work. Why would be be presented with trials that would make it difficult for us to perform our calling? I have come to the conclusion that not only does Heavenly Father need servants who have been called, but servants who are willing to change and be used to accomplish a specific purpose. I have come to think about why Joseph Smith and even more so, Emma, went through so much trial. It was to give them experience so that they could press forth with faith.

Whenever we experience trial and opposition, we have the choice to make the best of it, or to make it a negative experience. As we choose to be righteous in our actions the Lord pours his richest blessings upon us.  This week we were challenged by a priesthood leader to "prove in all things." My testimony is strengthened everyday when I see that I have influence for wondrous things when I am perfectly in tune with the Spirit. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is so true. I know that I have a God and Creator above who loves me. I know it with my whole HEART! Oh how great this calling! 

Let The Spirit Guide You

So on Saturday after doing Nauvoo Singers we were heading back for lunch when I saw a man standing by himself outside of the Cultural Hall. I felt like I needed to go and talk to him so I asked how he like the show. (The other Anna Amanda cast had just finished performing.) He said that he enjoyed the show and began to talk about how hot and humid it was . I wanted to go on my way to lunch because it was scorching hot because I was in my huge pioneer dress but I felt prompted to ask him what brought him to Nauvoo. He told me it was because of the spirit he felt here and that he was a convert to the church. I asked him if he would tell me his conversion story and he agreed after I insisted that it would be alright if I was late for lunch. I quickly grabbed one of the sisters to listen with me and he told his 5 minute story to me. What's amazing is being from Canada, I didn't even feel the heat during his story; I was too invested. It was amazing. He had turned away about 4 sets of missionaries until his wife felt the spirit so strongly during a message they shared about eternal families that she wanted to know more. When they started teaching about the plan of salvation he couldn't help but feel that what he was hearing was true. As a child he told me that he had always felt that there was a lot more to life than just life here on earth. He immediately felt the spirit when the missionaries taught him about the premortal existence and eternal life. He was challenged to read the BOM and he did so in about 2 months. He asked Heavenly Father if it was true and he knew that he needed to join the church. He knew it was true and he couldn't deny it.

It was so touching to hear his personal witness of the truth! I loved talking to him and asking him questions about the Gospel. It's amazing what an impact the truth of this marvelous Gospel can have in people's lives. It is so true. :)I got to meet his wife as well because we sang for them later on. They were both so happy and beaming with joy from the spirit they felt in Nauvoo.

Right after I left the couple, I walked into the visitor's center and saw two little girls sitting on the statue of the first vision. I followed the prompting to walk over and start talking to them. Their names wer Milea and Lindsey and I asked them what they liked about Nauvoo etc. (Milea is 3 and Lindsey is 5) MIlea then looked up at the statue and pointed to Jesus and Heavenly Father, "Which is which?" she asked. I was able to explain the first vision to the two little girls. It was such a tender experience and they were so dang adorable! I love talking to little children and connecting with them spiritually. Their hearts are the softest and the most open to the love of God. I asked what their favorite primary song was and they both said without hesitation, "I am a child of God." "Yes you are!" I replied, "And He loves you more than you could ever imagine!!".

What a wonderful experience! I love those little girls. I feel like Heavenly Father has magnified a gift he has given me here in Nauvoo.... to connect with children. I have met so many little kids as well as young adults and teenagers who I have just 'clicked' with. GAH I love this work!!!!!! I love being a missionary!!!!!!!!!

Things Of The Spirit

A short little story. There was someone in a wheel chair that obviously had some disabilities. Throughout our show, high hopes and river boats, I would catch glimpses of him turning his head toward the show and listening to our performance. Elder Camp later told us about this young man. He was apparently wheeled up against the far wall to start with and Elder Camp asked if they wanted him in a different spot so he could enjoy the show. They told him that it did not matter because he was deaf and blind. Elder Camp said that he would at least be able to feel the spirit, and so he was moved to a better spot. This young man would turn his head towards the stage every song, and than after the song he would put his head back where it was before. I would have never guessed that this child of God was deaf or blind. I know that our spirits on stage were singing and dancing for his. I know that there is a special feeling in what we do here and in the gospel that everyone can feel. Sometimes we are just blinded by what we see that it gets in the way of what is at the core of every person that has ever or will ever walk the earth. The spirit of Christ.

I'm Here!

Hi. Or should I say G'day.
Haha that was really lame.

My name is Elder Striplin and I'm from Brisbane, Australia. I haven't found the time to write on this blog yet but I'm so happy and glad to be able to write now.

I guess I'll write about how I got here to Nauvoo, serving as a Young Performing Missionary. Last year I finished a production of the musical HAIRPSRAY in early July. After this production the director offered me to play a role in the musical ALL SHOOK UP in November of 2013. I accepted. Shortly after our Prophet announced that young men may now serve a mission from the age of 18. Having just turned 18 and already signed a contract for this show I felt tied down and not knowing what I was going to do. My mum (it's spelt with a U in Australia) heard about the unique calling of a Young Performing Missionary and it sparked my interest. So I made an audition video and filled out the application and sent it off. As soon as I sent it there was no doubt in my heart that is where I wanted to be for the summer (well winter). It was the perfect opportunuity to serve my Heavenly Father until I was available to put my papers in for my proselyting mission.

After emails, skype calls and an absolutely wonderful trip to Utah I was extended the call to serve as a Young Performing Missionary in Nauvoo, Illinois. I've never been more excited/nervous for an experience to happen in my life. But needless to say I have absolutely LOVED every second of my time here in Nauvoo. I've grown tremendously in spirit and in knowledge. I've never felt as close to the Lord as I do now since I've been here. I know that I am here for a reason and there is no other place in the world I would rather be than serving here in Nauvoo. I love Nauvoo, it's now my home away from home.

I'm so grateful for Nauvoo and the beautiful spirit it contains. I can testify that this sacred city can change people. It has changed me and I love it. 


On Monday we did the Trail of Hope in the evening, as usual, and I was a "company captain" (leading a group through the vignettes). I had quite a few children in my group and a few were rather rambunctious, so I invited one of the little girls who seemed quite disengaged to come stand by me. She soon grabbed my hand and held it most of the way down the trail, and she engaged a bit as well. It was a beautiful experience, and... oh, love is just a beautiful thing. Feeling it and giving it and receiving it and being surrounded by it. So much of life is occupied in the quest therefore. But as a dear friend mentioned in a recent email, when we open ourselves up to love a little more and trust a little more, we can accomplish great good. It's just hard not to get hurt in the process... What a balancing act this life is.

Love someone today -- maybe even someone that's hard to love.

The Gospel Is Simple

Wooh! Finally finding a moment to sit down and add some of my experience of beautiful Nauvoo here on the blog! Many people ask me if this mission is what I thought it would be. Whats different? Is it harder or easier than you expected? To be honest, this mission is completely different from what I thought it would be. I am very tired. Mostly from running around all day without much sleep but it's the most fascinating thing because every time I feel like I'm going to crash, a new fire is lit in me. The advesary is working like none other to bring down this work. Many have been sick and difficulties come up left and right. But I can honestly say I've never met a group of people that can handle a situation or forget themselves and go to work as quickly as my little YPM family can. I love these people.

Something that has struck me about the gospel lately that I absolutley love, is the purity and simplicity of it. This world is one of confusion, loudness, and chaos, especially right now. Yet as I go to the temple, or even sit outside and look at the beautiful sunset across the mississippi, I realize that everything is much more simple and precious than we realize sometimes. Because of this, I want to share my simple testimony. This gospel is so happy. It is a way for us to learn and grow in this life. A way for us to learn to love and work. And it is a way for us to be with our families in the eternities. My family is the single most precious thing to me, and the gift of being sealed to them forever is more than anything I could ever ask for. Christ came. He suffered and atoned for each of us. And He is risen again. He is coming again :) I cannot wait for the day I get to kneel at his feet. I love this gospel and bear my witness of it in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Press On, Ye Saints Of God

You know those times where you want to sit down and write something profound, but you are just so content with life, no words are in your head aside from the constant sigh of joy in your heart?  That is how I feel right now.  Everything is just...good.

I have been studying a lot, both in Church history and in the Book of Mormon (which, I guess, is still technically Church history), about Saints of God who had to endure trials and persecution.  We certainly don't encounter much persecution here in Nauvoo, but the trials have sure been coming on strong in our group.

Something I have noticed is that there are really two different instances where a group of God's children suddenly encounter great influxes of hardships.  (1) When they fall away from the truths they know to be true and become an indolent and idolatrous society, and (2) When they come together in the faith, their hearts "knit together as one," living in a Zion community under Christ.  Why?  Well, the answer to #1 seems obvious.

I am so grateful for trials.  In a more eternal perspective, hardships are really some of our very greatest blessings we can be given.  It is in persecution that our loyaly to the Lord is polished, in sickness that our hope in His promises is secured, in confusion that our trust in the word of God blossoms, and in abandonment that our relationship with the Savior becomes more tightly sealed.  Heavenly Father allows trials to come into our lives when we have brought ourselves in a position to come even closer to Him.

Because of this, I have come to understand that Zion is a place of trial.  With so many people growing and working together to build up the Lord's Kingdom on the earth with pure, humble, and consecrated hearts, that entire group is in a position to be spiritually lifted up to God, similar to the physical miracle that happened in the city of Enoch.  The only way this can happen is through trial.  With this understanding, we come to know that misfortunes and tragedies are actually a sign that we are living right in the sight of God!

I was particularly touched yesterday, as we received news of our greatest trial yet this summer.  Just hours ago, the step-father of our very own Elder Foster (who plays in the band) was killed in a plane crash, and his younger brother was severely injured, in some ways that may be irreversable in this life.  When we found out at the end of a long and very successful day, it was as Elder Foster bore his hopeful and powerful testimony that because of temples on earth today, families will be reunited after this life, and that the resurrection will truly come to pass and physically perfect every one of us.  What made the greatest impact on me, was that a band of 46 disciples of Christ, directly after hearing about this great cause for mourning, stood up with tears in their eyes and aching hearts, and sang praises to God.  As we lifted our voices together and sang, "We gather in His holy name to thank Him and to bless Him," my spirit was so full of peace that I wept.

That is faith.  That is Zion and hope and charity and diligence and purity and power.  To find ourselves in the midst of affliction and sing in gratitude to our Lord... It was too sacred and too godly to accurately pen.

"Thus did Alma teach his people, that every man should love his neighbor as himself, that there should be no contention among them. . . .Therefore they did watch over their people, and did nourish them with things pertaining to righteousness. . . .And it came to pass that they did multiply and prosper exceedingly. . .and they built a city, which they called the city of Helam.  Nevertheless the Lord seeth fit to chasten his people; yea, he trieth their patience and their faith.  Nevertheless - whosoever putteth his trust in him the same shall be lifted up at the last day."   (Mosiah 23:15-22)

"And now I would that ye should be humble, and be submissive and gentle; easy to be entreated; full of patience and long-suffereing; being temperate in all things; being diligent in keeping the commandments of God at all times; asking for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both spiritual and temporal; always returning thanks unto God for whatsoever things ye do receive."   (Alma 7:23)