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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Let The Spirit Guide You

So on Saturday after doing Nauvoo Singers we were heading back for lunch when I saw a man standing by himself outside of the Cultural Hall. I felt like I needed to go and talk to him so I asked how he like the show. (The other Anna Amanda cast had just finished performing.) He said that he enjoyed the show and began to talk about how hot and humid it was . I wanted to go on my way to lunch because it was scorching hot because I was in my huge pioneer dress but I felt prompted to ask him what brought him to Nauvoo. He told me it was because of the spirit he felt here and that he was a convert to the church. I asked him if he would tell me his conversion story and he agreed after I insisted that it would be alright if I was late for lunch. I quickly grabbed one of the sisters to listen with me and he told his 5 minute story to me. What's amazing is being from Canada, I didn't even feel the heat during his story; I was too invested. It was amazing. He had turned away about 4 sets of missionaries until his wife felt the spirit so strongly during a message they shared about eternal families that she wanted to know more. When they started teaching about the plan of salvation he couldn't help but feel that what he was hearing was true. As a child he told me that he had always felt that there was a lot more to life than just life here on earth. He immediately felt the spirit when the missionaries taught him about the premortal existence and eternal life. He was challenged to read the BOM and he did so in about 2 months. He asked Heavenly Father if it was true and he knew that he needed to join the church. He knew it was true and he couldn't deny it.

It was so touching to hear his personal witness of the truth! I loved talking to him and asking him questions about the Gospel. It's amazing what an impact the truth of this marvelous Gospel can have in people's lives. It is so true. :)I got to meet his wife as well because we sang for them later on. They were both so happy and beaming with joy from the spirit they felt in Nauvoo.

Right after I left the couple, I walked into the visitor's center and saw two little girls sitting on the statue of the first vision. I followed the prompting to walk over and start talking to them. Their names wer Milea and Lindsey and I asked them what they liked about Nauvoo etc. (Milea is 3 and Lindsey is 5) MIlea then looked up at the statue and pointed to Jesus and Heavenly Father, "Which is which?" she asked. I was able to explain the first vision to the two little girls. It was such a tender experience and they were so dang adorable! I love talking to little children and connecting with them spiritually. Their hearts are the softest and the most open to the love of God. I asked what their favorite primary song was and they both said without hesitation, "I am a child of God." "Yes you are!" I replied, "And He loves you more than you could ever imagine!!".

What a wonderful experience! I love those little girls. I feel like Heavenly Father has magnified a gift he has given me here in Nauvoo.... to connect with children. I have met so many little kids as well as young adults and teenagers who I have just 'clicked' with. GAH I love this work!!!!!! I love being a missionary!!!!!!!!!

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