Working with the teenagers that come visit here rocks. The youth conferences are always organized to prepare these people for awesome experiences and I'm grateful to be a part of it.
Susan Easton Black came and did a fireside last Sunday. How incredible. I applaud her for using her knowledge of church history as a tool for the Lord. She discussed the 35 quorums of seventy in Nauvoo (of which Jeremiah Leavitt--Sarah S. Leavitt's husband, our ancestor) was part. To paint a picture of what kind of men they were, she went through the qualifications of being a seventy: Willingness to sacrifice their lives, always willing to keep the commandments, endowed with power, stay true to the church. "What are we willing to give," she asked. "I will give my obedience", she continued.
We had a very sobering moment this week--we found out that the step-father of an Elder here with us was killed in an airplane accident yesterday. Like a rock he stood up in front of us and bore his testimony of eternal families. We were all so impressed by his strength. It has been a moment for us to all rally together.
This work is great!