In the Book of Mosiah we read;
And he commanded them that there should be no contention one with another, but that they should look forward with one eye, having one faith and one baptism, having their hearts knit together in unity and in love one towards another.
As the saints of old built Zion, that is our goal as well. The more that we look outward, the easier it will be to see those who need our help and to help those whom the Lord needs to be attended by earthly angels. Zion is build upon obedience and charity. This last week here in Nauvoo has been wonderful. Rehearsals still commence until Friday when we finally open all of our shows!!! YEA! I know that blessing will flow upon us as we strive to be a Zion community.
This next week will be full of wonder experiences. Some of my favorite things from this last week include: "Is that a thing?" - Bro. Davies, Drivers ed training, Mark Lusvardi, Puppets, Spiral Staircases in the temple, Clogging in front of the cultural hall, Walks to the Mississippi river
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