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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Warmth of His Love


The very moment I felt hands placed lightly upon my head earlier this evening, every feeling and memory of two very special days came rushing into full focus.

As a 19-year-old young man in February of 2010, I sat with my parents and my siblings in the front room of our home, listening to a profound message prepared for us by our humble stake president.  On that evening, I was set apart as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I cannot think of another time in my life when I felt more excitement than I did on that occasion.  It had been my desire to serve a mission ever since I was old enough to know what a mission was.  My eyes welled with tears as my wonderful priesthood leader placed his hands on my head to pronounce a blessing and a setting apart that would forever change my life.  I eagerly looked forward to every moment and experience through which I would pass as an ambassador of the Lord, and solemnly promised to devote myself in every capacity to His work.  On that evening, I felt the presence of my Savior very near to me, and found myself encompassed in the warmth of His love.

Two years later, I sat in the office of that incredible stake president as my mission came to a close.  I have never felt more humbly grateful than I did as I looked around the room to meet the eyes of each of my family members present.  I wept openly as President Cook placed his hands on my head to release me as a missionary.  In that instant, I longingly reflected over 24 months through which I had had the wondrous blessing of testifying daily of a Savior and Redeemer, of a loving Heavenly Father, and of his plan for each and every one of his children.  On that day, I knew that my Redeemer was smiling down on me for my small sacrifice to build His kingdom, and found myself comforted in the warmth of His love.

Tonight, I experienced both of those unforgettable days once more in a very small, brief instant.  I felt in full all of the love and joy that accompanied me as I walked and taught during one mission served; in the same moment, I felt all of the anticipation and eagerness as I was looking ahead to my next big adventure: another mission that the Lord has granted me to serve.  The feelings that I have now are exactly as I remember them from so long ago.  I adored being a missionary before, and I can already feel of how much I shall love it again as I bring my testimony to Nauvoo.  Tonight, I have felt so strongly of Christ’s power, mercy and grace, and now find myself quietly grateful, surrounded in the warmth of His love.

I am a missionary once again!  In this moment, nothing could bring me more joy.

“Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.”
-3 Nephi 5:13

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