As we were turning northbound onto Mulholland Street from
Highway 96 in Nauvoo, I caught my first glimpse of the temple. I felt chills
run all over my body. I was so full of joy that I didn’t even know how on earth
I could contain my happiness. In the summer of 2012, I spent my time there
serving as a Young Performing Missionary with the temple as our backdrop. That
was one of the best summers of my life. I often reflect on the joy and light
that I felt while I was serving then. My Journey started way before that
though. In February of 2010 I received an invitation from President Monson, to
serve as a full-time missionary in the Yerevan Armenia Mission. In my call
packet, it said that I was to report to the Missionary Training Center on June
23rd. About a month after I got my call
in late February, I got a phone call from Church Headquarters and they
presented me with the option to come into the MTC 3 months early. They said my
report date, if I chose so, would be March 31. ... ... ... Done and done. I knew that it was my
obligation to serve as soon as I could. So, I dropped all other things that I
was occupied with and got ready to go. I unfortunately had to quit two
theatrical productions that I was involved in to do so, but I knew that the
Lord had bigger things in mind; even if those things didn’t come into my
knowledge until nearly a year and a half later.
As my mission in Armenia was coming to a close, I was
transferred to a companion who had been a Young Performing Missionary in the
summer of 2010. He did this before he came to serve in Armenia. He told me all
about it and how much I would love it. So, while I was a full-time missionary,
I turned in my application to be a YPM for the summer of 2012. Miraculously, I
was accepted and planned to go on May 4th after returning from Armenia in
April. After I was accepted, I realized that this opportunity would not have
been possible if I would not have accepted the invitation to go to Armenia
early way back in 2010 - in March instead of June! A wave of gratitude passed
over me as realization hit me, and I knew I was doing what the Lord wanted me
to do. Sometimes the Lord’s plans take a couple years to accomplish, but they
are what are best for us.
After returning from Nauvoo last summer, I immediately
missed it as I returned back to Utah - for those of us who have been to Nauvoo,
this sacred city REALLY becomes our true home. I wanted to go back and serve
again, but I knew that it was far out there and kind of out of the question.
Eventually, fall came around and I was in the temple one day. As I sat praying
about decisions that needed to be made about my life, I was prompted to just
flip open the scriptures and start reading. I thumbed across a scripture in the
Old Testament that said, "And ye shall praise him with song and with
dance." Tears just about came to my eyes as I basked in the mercy of God.
I was so grateful for that revelation, but whether to audition was still a
rather difficult decision. I didn't want to take the opportunity away from
someone who had not yet been. I decided to just put it in the hands of the Lord.
As I had learned previously, if I was supposed to be there, I would be. I
pressed forward and sent in an application and went to the callback auditions.
On January the 5th, when Elder Camp called me to let me know that I had been
called to be a YPM again, I knew that it was no mere happenstance. Heavenly
Father has a plan for me in Nauvoo this upcoming summer and I know that it all
has a purpose. I am so grateful that already I have been an instrument in the
hands of the Lord in encouraging others who I know to audition/apply to come to
Nauvoo as well. It truly has made me realize how much Heavenly Father and our
Savior Jesus Christ love each and every single one of his children! This summer
will be full of wonderful experiences. Trials will obviously present themselves
(as they always do), but with the help of the Spirit, we will take courage and
conquer all that comes in our path. Miracles happen in Nauvoo; those of healing
and those of extraordinary wonder. I look forward to the summer of 2013 with utmost
excitement and know that all who have been called to go, will be there for a
reason. "There shall he be in the midst of them who love him."

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