I can't believe that its already been another week. Sister Camp told us the count down to our last day today during preparation meeting and I was very upset. I don't want this opportunity to end! It truly has been such an amazing thing and I count my blessings every day to think that I could be here and receive all the blessings I have since coming here. I've also had my eyes opened to a lot of the blessings that I had in my life before I came here. I definitely count my family, my friends, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ among the highest of those blessings.
My sister is probably going to be extremely jealous because one of our guests was her best friend Hanna's mom! It was really neat to meet her for the first time and wonder what the odds were of such a meeting seeing as they now live across the country from us and just happened to be visiting in Nauvoo. She came up to me and told me I looked familiar and asked if I knew her son which I had known who he was from high school, but then looking at my name tag she made the connection to my sister and got really excited. Its amazing to see how the Lord blesses us to cross paths like that and just goes to show that even though this was a friendly crossing, who knows what people will be placed in our paths here that we are meant to touch, uplift, and inspire. We probably won't know in this life, but its still such a privilege to know that we are instruments in his hands planting seeds in the hearts of many. I know that none of it goes to waste. How could it when you consider the worth of souls. Doctrine and Covenants 18:10 reads "Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God." the section goes on later saying "If it so be that you should labor all of your days in crying repentance of this people and bring save it should be one soul unto me how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my father." This shows that the Lord loves each of us so much and we can know that He wants us to be happy. I have a firm belief that if just a single one of God's children would have accepted the Atonement of Jesus Christ He still would have gone through with it. And I wouldn't be surprised if He would have gone through with it, even if none of us accepted it, because He loves us all so deeply He wouldn't be content unless He gave us EVERY opportunity. Its miraculous and I know its true. So wherever you are, whatever you're doing, whatever you've done in your life, however low you might feel, He LOVES YOU. He loves you completely and so deeply we can't fully comprehend it. Its a miracle in the latter-days and I know it is true. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
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