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Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Sacred Trail Of Hope

The Trail of, this is a series of vignettes we do at 12 stations down the trail that the Saints used to leave Nauvoo (it heads right to the Mississippi River).  It takes place at night by torch light and is fascinating.  At each station we reenact the journal entries of those who left Nauvoo and headed West.  The Spirit of sacrifice is everywhere.  Some of my most sacred and peaceful moments have happened there as we wait for and testify to groups of the reality of the Savior and these people's experiences.

1 comment:

  1. Elder Leavitt,
    Thank you for your work to bring Nauvoo to life. Thank you for remembering my son Brandt and saying "see ya Brandt" in a soft voice as we left the Trail of Hope. It touched our family's heart that you would remember Brandt. We partook in the Trail of Hope the evening of June 26th and found 5 ancestors names on the wall. Again, a big Shout Out from Texas and Thank you.
